Kim actually shot this wedding solo while I was at another wedding (blog post will follow) and was excited to spend the day with such a wonderful couple. I know I say that a lot about our brides and grooms but it was definitely true on this occasion!!

This note might be a little hard to read as a resized JPEG for website use but if you fellas want to impress your future mother-in-laws, take a leaf out of Matt's book and send them a heartfelt Thank You note for all their hard work preparing the wedding...and for having a beautiful daughter too!

I do like unusual angles and altered reality. There's nothing too secretive about the double reflection in a beveled edge mirror but it certainly holds your attention for a couple of seconds..

I particularly like it when the bridesamaids' dresses are unique and interesting and cool to photograph and I know they just love it when they get to wear them more than once!

Meanwhile, back in the Pastor's office... Matt relaxes while the guests arrive and people are seated in the Church.

Right after the wedding ceremony is a great time to duck away, unwind a little and spend a few minutes with your new spouse before the revelry begins...

This may look like a photo of an iPhone with a hot pink rubber skin on but it's actually what is on the iPhone that is important - the Wedding Announcement section of The New York Times with Katie and Matt's engagement photo and their engagement story!! It was actually published the day of their wedding!

So, when everything was said and done, it was a great wedding with great people and a gorgeous and fun bride and groom, even if it did rain a little bit. The following day however was glorious and Katie called Kim to say that she was putting her wedding dress back on and wanted to shoot pictures back at the Bay Club at sunset! How could we refuse!..